Simply Pretty Style

My Classy, Fabulous, and Chic Fashion Journey

Cielaque: My Zazzle Store is Up!

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Cielaque: My Zazzle Store is Up!

Sorry I’ve been absent the past two days – I’ve been hurriedly designing up a storm and trying to semi-fill my Zazzle store. It has only seventeen products, no title picture yet, and isn’t selling at all yet – but it’s my baby. 🙂
So why did I want to start a Zazzle store? Most of you might think; “obviously, store = money”, but money was one of the bottom incentives on my list when I had the idea to open a store. You see, I’ve been an artist since I was born, and since age six I’ve been constantly designing and attempting to market my designs.
It started with a jewelry stand, and turned into a watercolor obsession, and now has settled into a mixture of SketchBook Express, hand drawing, painting, and iPhoto (Unfortunately I don’t have Photoshop yet..). I have set my course for fashion domination, and I figure that starting a business with the lowest requirements is a good way to start.
A big thing to my store is expressing myself too. I constantly analyze design; clothes, shoes, cards, banners, advertisements, etc. While I do this, I think of what I would change.
So through my Zazzle shop, I have created things that are perfect to ME. My style is classy, a tad preppy, but still creative. I know Zazzle is a 1 in 1,000 success story, but I’m willing to give it a shot.

Visit my store!:

What else should I make? Any ideas? What would you like to buy from Zazzle?

p.s. thanks to my one follower as well (if you see this). Your the beginning of something great!


Watercolor, Doodles, Designing, Oh My!

imageMy, my, my, have I been busy! I spent this week collecting prints, fabrics, and setting up my zazzle store, and now I have a pile of designs waiting to be painted, uploaded, edited, submitted, and worried over! Yesterday I created a stack ( literally) of watercolors and about 3 files in my computer full of digital designs. That’s the update… Now back to work! ( picture is my current work station).
P.s. My zazzle store is up.. I’m waiting to put a few final touches before I post the link here. If you want to look it up now, search Cielaque. And, any suggestions to what I should make?

Thanks, Em

Purple Bloom – and what it stands for.

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Purple Bloom - and what it stands for.

I just want to start my blog off on a positive note. I’ve never blogged before, but as recently I have come to realize my short term and long term dreams in art, fashion, photography, and in general discovering myself, I thought it would be worthwhile to document the journey. I’ll probably be starting with many pictures of my fashion illustrations and (hopefully) the success of my soon to be opened razzle shop. So, cheers to my new journey!