Simply Pretty Style

My Classy, Fabulous, and Chic Fashion Journey

Cielaque: My Zazzle Store is Up!

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Cielaque: My Zazzle Store is Up!

Sorry I’ve been absent the past two days – I’ve been hurriedly designing up a storm and trying to semi-fill my Zazzle store. It has only seventeen products, no title picture yet, and isn’t selling at all yet – but it’s my baby. 🙂
So why did I want to start a Zazzle store? Most of you might think; “obviously, store = money”, but money was one of the bottom incentives on my list when I had the idea to open a store. You see, I’ve been an artist since I was born, and since age six I’ve been constantly designing and attempting to market my designs.
It started with a jewelry stand, and turned into a watercolor obsession, and now has settled into a mixture of SketchBook Express, hand drawing, painting, and iPhoto (Unfortunately I don’t have Photoshop yet..). I have set my course for fashion domination, and I figure that starting a business with the lowest requirements is a good way to start.
A big thing to my store is expressing myself too. I constantly analyze design; clothes, shoes, cards, banners, advertisements, etc. While I do this, I think of what I would change.
So through my Zazzle shop, I have created things that are perfect to ME. My style is classy, a tad preppy, but still creative. I know Zazzle is a 1 in 1,000 success story, but I’m willing to give it a shot.

Visit my store!:

What else should I make? Any ideas? What would you like to buy from Zazzle?

p.s. thanks to my one follower as well (if you see this). Your the beginning of something great!